C’est l’histoire de 5 passionnés de streetfood, fous de sauces en particulier, et dont les créations en la matière avaient déjà été souvent encensées et validées par des millions de fans.
La crainte de l'inconnu
However, in their search for new inspirations, there was a universe that they did not really dare to approach, for lack of a sufficiently advanced taste education: that of pepper. In these cases, we start by evading or minimizing.
The challenge launched
And then one fine day, we stop procrastinating, we tell ourselves that life is too short, that we are going to start all over again, and start without thinking any more. We're scared, huh? but here we go! because the challenge, we like… and then at worst it will always give us anecdotes to tell….
A unique taste profile
He wanted to go beyond raw chilli and experience the benefits of lacto fermentation . Artisanal terracotta jars, brine, patience and a lot of tests later, he managed to reach the holy grail: a fermented pepper, with constant spiciness and above all with a unique taste profile!
The chilli sauce accessible to all
They came out of this journey with the desire to make the spicy sauce accessible to all . The team's chef, who easily juggles between gourmet cuisine and street food from around the world, got to work.
Un profil gustatif unique
Il a voulu aller au-delà du piment brut et expérimenter les bienfaits de la lacto fermentation. Des jarres en terre cuite artisanales, de la saumure, de la patience et pas mal d’essais plus tard, il réussit à atteindre le saint-graal : un piment lacto fermenté, au piquant constant et surtout au profil gustatif unique !
Write down each recipe
He then gave free rein to his imagination, to best transcribe in each recipe all the facets of his country of origin. Spice and flavors, culture and creativity, all could coexist harmoniously in each sauce. And the more it progressed, the more the tastings became exhilarating.
Each bottle was a journey
Each bottle was a journey, a stage of this world tour as delicious as it was burning.
And the culinary uses were becoming obvious. They finally understood the pepper in all its dimensions, from its cultivation (note the double meaning of this word) to its tasting.
And the rest, will you tell me? Well, let's write it together! We want nothing less than to invade your cupboards, add a touch of challenge to your evenings with friends, surprise then seduce your taste buds, pimp your cocktails, and offer you the possibility of making each of your dishes unique. Ready?
Hesitate if you want, you won't be able to resist!
Shilly Shally
À la Découverte des Piments du Monde